United States

"ABA therapy advocates believe that those with inadequate interpersonal skills (including people with autism) can improve social interactions and communication by learning and practicing desired social behaviour. When it comes to children with a doagnosis of ASD, ABA therapy can help ensure better, clearer communication with those around them, especially when they want something (like food or a toy, increase attention span, reduce instances of self-harm or throwing tantrums." [Source: https://bit.ly/3WmFjjx]

ABA therapy is believed to help individuals, including those with autism, improve social skills and communication. It can benefit children with ASD by promoting clearer communication, reducing tantrums, and increasing attention span. However, there are varying opinions on its approach and potential drawbacks. It's important to consider individual needs and preferences when deciding on therapy options.

❤️ It's time for Double Care. https://doublecareaba.com/

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