Frequently Asked Questions

How many social media posts do I get?

We'll send you 15 social media posts per month. We'll email you a reminder that your posts are ready for your approval in the Onyx Scheduler.

How does the 7-day trial work?

When you sign up for the 7-day trial we'll ask you to go through our onboarding process. The onboarding process consists of a short questionnaire and the option to connect your social media pages. Once you have gone through the onboarding process you'll get access to Onyx Schedule, which is our in-house scheduling tool. 

You'll be able to review your posts within 3 days after you signed up.

Do you need my login info?

No, absolutely not! Our platform will connect with your social media pages in a matter of seconds. No login or password required.

How many revisions can I request?

One of the great benefits of our service is that you can request unlimited revisions.

Is the content generic?

Not at all! Our social media team will take a deep dive into your industry, your company and your service/product. 

Every client is different. That's why we start our research from scratch, so we can tailor to your needs every step of the way!

What type of support do you offer?

We offer both Zoom and email support. 

- During the free trial we offer 1 Zoom call to go over the posts we have sent you as part of the trial.
- We offer 1 Zoom call per week during your first month as a client. 
- After the month we offer a monthly Zoom call. 

All Zoom calls will be held with your success manager. We offer Email support 6 days per week.

What do I have to do?

Just review the posts once a month, which can be done in as little as 5 minutes!

What happens after the 7-day trial?

You will be billed exactly 7 days after you signed up for the trial, unless you decide to cancel your subscription by sending us an email. You will be notified of the charge 24 hours before the free trial ends. 

Once the payment went through, we'll get started on your next batch of posts. We'll notify you when the new batch of posts is ready for your review.

Who will be creating the posts?

Once you sign up, we'll match you up with a dedicated social media manager. This social media manager will have experience working in your industry and will get familiar with your company before creating the social media posts!

How do I cancel my trial/subscription?

You can cancel your subscription by sending us an email. We require 24 hour notice. 

Need to know more before getting started?

Book a call with one of our success managers! We’ll give you a quick 15-minute demonstration of our service and answer any questions you have!


What people say about us...

We have now worked with Misty and the OnyxMedia team for over a year and they have become integral to the success of our business.

They’ve given us exceptional customer service – checking in regularly, ensuring they’re meeting and exceeding expectations and beyond. The entire team is respectful, knowledgeable, collaborative,.

Chad Anderson, Cirrius Solutions Inc.

After a few months of working with Onyx Media for our social media posts, we knew it would be worth investing in a long-term partnership! Onyx Media understands our needs, creates high-quality content, and is a consistent, trustworthy, and adaptable partner. We are now signed on for a year and expect the partnership to continue well into the future!

Lisa Wocken, Founder, Bolster Leadership

I am really impressed by the quality of work by the OnyxMedia team. Not only OnyxMedia team understood the important aspects of the business, but also was really perceptive to the given feedback and shortly reached the highest level of social media posts' quality. I will definitely recommend OnyxMedia to anybody who asks for support with social media posts.

Sergii Shmarkatiuk, Founder, CodeCompath LLC